About Us

No doubt you are here because we’ve done our job reasonably well, and gotten you to click on to this link.
Well, that’s a relief; welcome to our little corner of creativity!
Here you will find the works of two nerds who are seemingly bound by fate. Striving to create fanciful works of fantastical fiction, and blessed with the ability to spend large amounts of time in each other’s company without either flying into a resentful rage.
Lizard is a cold-blooded Dungeon Master with eighteen years of experience running tabletop roleplaying games, and Lero is an extremely talented roleplayer and storyteller in his own right – with near perfect recall, which keeps Lizard, whose short term memory is akin to a miniature freshwater carp, constantly on his toes.
They share a love and passion for games-design and believe that intuitive, simple systems that drip with depth are the joy of gaming.
And here, a simple promise: that love and dedication to the craft of creating genuine experiences has gone into all their work.
Thanks for reading.

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